Author Topic: ~ Game: Cute Cookie Cut! ~  (Read 5932 times)

Offline MysteRy

~ Game: Cute Cookie Cut! ~
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:01:05 PM »
Game: Cute Cookie Cut!

This adorable and colorful game is an instant classic and an excellent way of testing our sense of space.

How to play: Click on the blue play button and choose 1 for the first level. A short tutorial will follow. This game challenges you to cut the cookie into smaller pieces. You are given the number of parts you need to divide the cookie into shown in this icon cute cookie cut game (for example, the first level asks you to divide the cookie into 4 parts) and the number of knife cuts you can use show in this icon cute cookie cut game (for example, the first level gives you 2 knife strokes to divide the cookie into 4 parts - as equal as you can make them).

You get extra points for making the parts equal in size and for being clever. Enjoy!
